It’s a privilege to have you on our website. Thank you for taking the time, and for showing interest in our company and our products. Its important for me to be able to communicate directly with our clients and interested members of the industries we serve.
These are truly exciting, yet challenging times at Hawa Valves. We at Hawa Valves feel that the ongoing commodity price bust throws up challenges as well as opportunities. Innovative companies will always find a way to maintain their projected growth trajectory, and we wont be found wanting! Maybe that is the reason why we have chosen to put in motion our biggest ever expansion and upgrade program now. We chose to invest, and continue to innovate.
We can have great visions and big plans, but nothing can come to fruition without people to make it happen. People who are motivated, enthused, and committed to deliver. We endeavor to employ self-starters and winners, people who feel responsible and accountable for their actions and decisions. We try not only to recruit the best person for the job, but also to provide a motivational environment. So if you feel you can make the grade, and are like-minded, we would love to review your Cv.
We have a well-earned reputation for quality; we value this reputation, while assuring our commitment to continual improvement and constantly seeking challenges outside our comfort zone. Our Government Recognised Research & Development (R&D) Centre provides a systemised opportunity for us to do so.
Our Research & Development (R&D) Program is not limited to just products but also our processes and methods, and we need to make sure that we keep creating value for the customers.
Javed A. Hawa